Sandhill's Weekly Update 09/8/24 page

Weekly Update 09/8/24

Weekly Update 09/8/2024
Posted on 09/08/2024

Good evening, Farm Life Families!   What a fantastic start to our school year!  I hope your children have come home excited to tell you all about their new teachers and friends they are making.  Be sure to ask them all about the Energy Bus and our 5 rules for “Enjoying the Ride!”  

This week, we are starting our SchoolStore fundraising program. Students will receive a take-home envelope with all the directions. Student can earn great prizes and will receive their first prize when the filled-out envelope is return to their teacher.

Last Friday we moved 140 cars through our afternoon car line!  We try each day to beat our previous day’s time for dismissing our students.  Please remember that if the morning car line has lined up into the road, do not hold up traffic by trying to turn left into the car line or parking lot.  Please go farther down the road to turn around and line up with the traffic turning right into the morning drop off.  There are no left turns into our driveway during drop-off and dismissal times. Staff will come out to start the car line at 7:10 AM.

During afternoon car line, please do not change lanes when it appears one is shorter.  Students are being lined up based on the order you arrive and the lane you are assigned.  If you need to buckle up your child, please pull over into the teacher parking spaces so that we can keep the car line moving.  Thank you for helping us to ensure the safety of everyone in our school family. 

Happenings around school this week include:

Sept. 9:  School Improvement Team meeting at 3:00

Sept. 10:  PTA Spirit Night at the Rec Room in Southern Pines 5-7:00

More September dates can be found on the email version of this message.  


Please take a moment if you have not already to review the Parent/Student Handbook and Code of Student Conduct manual. Once you and your child(ren) have reviewed it, please sign the Acknowledgement form below by Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. Please keep in mind that if you have more than one student at SFL, you will need to complete the form for EACH student. 


Parent/Student Handbook and Code of Conduct

Student Code of Conduct Acknowledgment Form

Please let us know if you have any questions.  Our staff is committed to high standards and creating an environment where students can reach their full potential.  As always:  Trojans Together...One Step at a Time!  Enjoy the ride!

September Dates:

Sept. 17:  Constitution Day-all students will be learning about the US Constitution

Sept. 23:  Book Fair begins

Sept. 26:  PTA Spirit Night at the Rec Room in Southern Pines  

Sept. 30:  $10 school fees due 

  • Sandhills Farm Life Elementary
  • 2201 Farm Life School Road, Carthage, NC 28327
  • 910-949-2501
  • 910-949-2927
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