Sandhill's History of SFL page

History of SFL

Campus 1924-25
A Very Brief History of Sandhills Farm Life School


Sandhills Farm Life Elementary School celebrated its 150th anniversary in the spring of 2010 so we have a very rich history! This is a very brief recounting of our educational heritage.  We hope you investigate our Trojan Pride by reading our full historical account which can be found on our school website or in our school library. 


  • In 1859, Allan C. McDonald gave one acre of land for a school to be built. The first teacher, John Black Ray, named the school Eureka - an expression of triumph at success.


  • The community donated land, resources, and labor whenever expansion was needed. In the 1913-1914 school year, nine students completed the elementary grades (grades 1-7) and the need for a high school was recognized.The first session of Eureka High School was held in 1914-1915.


  • On March 3, 1911, the North Carolina Legislature passed “An Act to Provide for the Establishment of County Farm Life Schools and for the Promotion of Agriculture and Home Making”.“It’s aim…shall be to prepare boys for agricultural pursuits and farm life and to prepare girls for homemaking and housekeeping on the farm.” (quote from the legislation)


  • The Eureka School, already a State high school with a central location and active patrons, was selected as a Farm Life School and the NC Legislature of 1915 granted to it a Farm Life Charter.


  • Day students had the option of transportation to the school via a pickup truck.Students who lived farther away were residential students who lived in the girls (built in 1916) or boys (built by 1918) dormitories. More teachers were employed to include Agriculture and Home Economics. The state mandated high school course of study was also taught which included English, Latin, French, mathematics, history, and science.


  • The James McConnell Hospital was built for the local community and to care for the students on the school campus as well as the local community. The hospital opened in April 1917.


  • Local schools began to consolidate and the number of boarding students dropped.By 1936, only local students were in attendance.


  • In 1939, a new one-story brick school building was constructed to be used by both elementary and high school students.It included twelve classrooms and an auditorium.


  • In the spring of 1942, Mr. T. H. Lingerfeldt arrived as the principal for Farm Life High School.He would be the principal for 32 years.


  • In 1954-55, the lunch room was completed. This building still exists on our campus at the back of the center courtyard and now houses two classrooms and restrooms.


  • The gymnasium was completed in October of 1956 and continues to be in use.The County Board of Education installed a plaque in the lobby of the gym designating it the Thaddeus Lawrence Blue Gymnasium.


  • Union Pines High School was opened in 1964 consolidating the high schools of Farm Life, Carthage, Vass, and Cameron.


  • With the closing of Pinckney School in Carthage in 1966, Farm Life School became integrated.


  • In 1974, the first kindergarten class was enrolled at Farm Life School.


  • In 1976 a library and two story addition were completed and dedicated to T. H. Lingerfeldt. This is our current library and all six classrooms are still in use.These were also the first air conditioned rooms on the campus.


  • While a K-8 school, our middle school students competed in a variety of team sports including football, basketball, baseball, and tennis.The tennis courts were built in 1977.The ballfield concession stand and cement steps were added in 1982.


  • In 1985, the Sandhills Farm Life School Nature Trail was created by Mr. Ken Loyd’s third grade class with the help of one of the first grants by the Moore County Public Education Foundation.


  • In 1992, the Lingerfeldt Extension (long hallway of classrooms we currently use) as well as the current cafeteria and office area were added to replace the aged brick high school building.


  • In the fall of 1995, Miss Nora K. McNeill became our principal and has guided our students and school for over 20 years.Only Mr. T. H. Lingerfeldt has had a longer tenure as principal.


  • Sandhills Farm Life School became a K-5 elementary school with the opening of New Century Middle School in 1997.


  • Six new classrooms and additional upstairs bathrooms were added to the courtyard side of the Lingerfeldt building in 2009-2010.Soon after mobile units began to be added back to our campus as our student enrollment continued to increase.


Although the facilities of our dear school have seen many changes- one constant remains: we have a group of parents, community members and patrons who support our school with pride and always work together for what is best for our students!


Sandhills Farm Life School Song

[Our school song has been in existence at least since the 1950s.  It shares similar lyrics to other college and high school alma maters such as Cornell University and Fairmont High School in Robeson County, NC.

The original tune was Annie Lisle like the other schools but we now use a more modern melody.]


In the rugged hills, beneath the sky so blue

Stands our loved and noble Farm Life, glorious to view.


Lift the chorus, speed it onward.  Let the music ring.

Hail, o hail, to Sandhills Farm Life!  We will ever sing!


Days of toil, days of pleasure at dear old SFL

Still her praises we are singing, still her name we bless.


Lift the chorus, speed it onward.  Let the music ring.

Hail, o hail, to Sandhills Farm Life!  We will ever sing!

1956 SFL Classroom


  • Sandhills Farm Life Elementary
  • 2201 Farm Life School Road, Carthage, NC 28327
  • 910-949-2501
  • 910-949-2927
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